i am not who you think
{2 minutes to read} Some people who meet me for the first time mention that they [...]
the impact of positivity part 2 of 2 [video]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuPqSBifhc8 My last video talked about positivity and how it can benefit you [...]
the impact of positivity part 1 of 2 [video]
Many people talk about positive thinking and being a positive person, but it is easier [...]
how your demeanor affects those around you
{3 minutes to read} Do you remember when your 2-year-old son fell and looked up [...]
YOU CHANGE THE WORLD resolving conflicts
Recently, I was interviewed by André Politzer on his podcast “You Change the World.” André, [...]
does the mediator have an obligation to inform the parties of a possible conflict of interest?
When we have had a good experience working with a professional, we may pass along [...]
what lies beneath
{4:06 minutes to read} In the early ‘60s, Marshall Rosenberg (1934-2015), an American psychologist, teacher, [...]