a painful plea from a child of divorce
{4:24 minutes to read} Many couples going through divorce have to make huge efforts to [...]
a space to connect
{2:30 minutes to read} I was listening to a TED talk given by Hedy Schleifer, [...]
I recently attended a GOODTALK4PARENTS workshop to help parents reduce the negative impact of conflict [...]
guilty! guilty! guilty!
{2:48 minutes to read} Judging . . . Why do some who have never experienced [...]
hey, johnny, tell mom that . .
{3:54 minutes to read} Johnny’s parents have been divorced for a couple of years and [...]
congratulations? or condolences?
{3:30 minutes to read} A close friend tells you she/he is getting married. Your first [...]
once a child of divorce, always a child of divorce
{2:54 minutes to read} Children and adults alike whose parents have been divorced seem to [...]