i failed my marriage but i succeeded at my divorce!
That is a shocking statement, isn’t it? "I failed my marriage but I succeeded at [...]
are you the ideal mediation client?
People often ask me what the ideal mediation client would look like. The initial answer [...]
do I have to sell my house because I am going through a divorce?
In divorce mediation, many issues are addressed regarding parenting, division of assets, financial and spousal [...]
the more you give, the more you get
Many people going through divorce are sad, angry, fearful, anxious - - all of which [...]
divorce mediation and mental health – an interview with Carla L. Mannino, LCSW
What is the role of a mental health professional during the divorce mediation process? At [...]
the greek chorus
There are many situations where clients consult friends, attorney friends, attorneys who are not friends, [...]
does a lawyer have a place in mediation? an interview with Timothy L. Horgan, attorney
What is the role of a lawyer during the divorce mediation process? As a matrimonial [...]